8505 Heathermore Blvd.



July 2024 Epistle

Welcome Sister Theresa!

On July 1st St. Paul’s embarks on a new era of ministry! Sister Theresa Fisher will begin her appointment as a Licensed Lay Pastor at St. Paul’s on that day. She will be working half time (50%), and her duties will include preaching and leading worship, administering the sacraments, working with the boards, and some administrative duties, among other things.

She plans to have office hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week.

You are welcome to contact her on her cell phone.

Sister Theresa will be officially installed into her ministry on Sunday, July 14th at the 10:00 service. A representative of the Eastern District Board will be with us, and we are planning a potluck luncheon to honor Theresa after the service. Your presence will show your support for our new Lay Pastor.

The Licensed Lay Pastor program is brand new to the Moravian Church, and we look forward to how God will use it in our church!

Pastor Bill begins a three month appointment at St. Paul’s on July 1st. He will continue to serve at half time (50%) until the end of September. He will be available on Monday and Wednesday and will lead worship about twice a month. God is opening up new opportunities for us, so let us make the most of them! Please pray for Theresa as she begins a new time of ministry, Pastor Bill as he enters a final phase of ministry, our church, and our Elders, Governors and Trustees, as they continue to lead our church forward into God’s good future. And if you are asked to help in any way, be sure to say “yes!” so you can play your part in God’s amazing plan.

Eastern District Synod (Review)

Sister Theresa Fisher

Theme of Synod was “It’s Your Call” the Your as root word for Our. There were 135 people in attendance. It was an outstanding, very informative though jam packed conference that covered a myriad of topics and the sharing of information, ideas and concerns. Melissa, also known Missy Johnson was reelected for another 4-year term as President of the Eastern District Executive Board.

There was a dynamic keynote speaker named TC Moore who gave a number of inspiring, visual presentations that will be shared more in depth in a report shortly.

Pastor Bill and I were on the Pastoral Leadership committee that presented and passed legislation concerning the role of the Licensed Lay pastor. My ministry covenant has been signed and approved for a year by the PEC and Eastern District. I will begin working July 1st and will be in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays between 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. I can be reached at any time via email teseefisher@yahoo.com (currently) will receive a new email for St. Paul and will send an update.

Children’s Center News

Mr. Christopher Antoine, Director

As we make our way into summer, so does our program change to be more active and adventurous with weekly field trips to places such as the National Zoo, Patuxent River Park, Imagination Stage, and so much more! The children will enjoy swimming in the pool and water play when the weather is at its hottest. We plan to make this summer as enjoyable as the previous ones. And while the temperature will rise, we pray that God blesses the church with cooler days ahead.

Our summer registrations will remain open until we start our summer program on June 17th. We are also continuing fall registrations for our School Age and Pre-K programs. Anyone interested in attending our programs can reach us at 301-627-4202 or email us at stpaulsccc@gmail.com to schedule an appointment. More information can be found on our website at stpaulsccc.org.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and
be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

We welcome all suggestions for the growth of our church, so we have placed a Suggestion Box in the entry table in the Narthex.

Scripture Readers

If you have ever thought about reading the Scriptures for one of our worship services, please consider doing just that on July 21 or September 15! Take this opportunity to taste and see if this is for you. Contact Pastor Bill to explore this avenue of service. Thank you!

Food Bank Ministry

Cindy Proctor, St. Paul’s Food Bank Rep

Last month I was able to physically volunteer at the Food Bank in a while due to my schedule. St. Paul’s donations for the last few months, in particular have been very generous. I have been proud of our Church. The donations are very appreciated.

I am looking into getting a monthly inventory, so that I can inform the Congregation of specific needs. In the meantime, they still run out of the following:

  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Canned soup
  • Corn and Peas

Remember during the summertime, families still depend on our donations. Please continue to pray for our food bank families and our food bank leadership.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at pboysj1@verizon.net for information on becoming a volunteer.

Cam Weiffenbach, July 7th
Gabriel Labeodan, July 5th
Jakiya Moses, July 7th
Alda Yap, July 30th

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