Our Values

★    We value being part of a church that is Christ-centered and focuses on living the Christian life.

★    We value being part of a church that welcomes believers from many Christian traditions and all those/others seeking Christ

★    We value being part of a church that is multi-ethnic/racial

★    We value being a part of a church that builds connectivity through open groups of common interest within the congregation.

★    We value being part of a church that offers worship that is formal and spiritually energized

★    We value being part of a church that serves the world outside our doors

★    We value being part of a church that respects its Moravian heritage and traditions

★    We value being part of a church that strives to strengthen families through encouragement, training and support during all phases of their growth

★    We value being part of a church that loves without judgement

★    We value being part of a church that demonstrates love to one another by being responsive to one another’s needs