Who we are
WELCOME TO St. Paul’s Moravian Church
We are a community of followers of Jesus Christ seeking to keep Him at the center of our lives while we serve Him and the world around us. We believe in the Bible, the Trinity, and the historic creeds of the faith. We welcome all who seek to know more about Christ to continue the journey with us. St. Paul’s is a learning community in which we seek to grow as complete, mature human beings.
When you worship with us you will experience music, prayer, Bible readings, preaching that explains the Bible, and space for personal reflection and meditation. You will also experience other people who are on a spiritual journey. St. Paul’s is a community that is diverse in every way, from race and gender to education, political affiliation, musical preference, and religious background. There is a special place for you in this beautiful mosaic!

Watchword for 2024
“You have been my help. Do not cast me off, do not forsake me, O God of my salvation!”
Psalm 27:9